Friday 7 December 2012


aerial view of Imphal taken from inside Air India plane
I love love love clouds and anything to do with the upper atmosphere, beyond that and even space...My idiosyncarsies dont end there but goes on till people call me mad hehe

That mysterious blue sky that intrigues me till butterflies burst forth from my tummy...
That fickle clouds that morph their symmetry according to my will and imagination...
That wide infinity of blue, promising so much possiblities and fantasies...
aoi aoi ana sora(across that blue blye sky)
That ominous dark sky with jewels studded across with velvetty train of dreams...
Those constellations that boast of authorities over mortals fates...
And the lonely moon that encourages howls from every lonely wandering wolves...
tsukii tsukii (moon moon)
The sky, a gateaway of every Romantic hearts...
A dimension where dreams can be embraced...
A dreamer, like me, who loses herself it its manificience and untold mysteries.

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