Friday 10 May 2013


City centre II (image from google)

      It all started when my friend wanted to watch 7D movies...
      We had finished our university exams and as a form of catharsis we decided visit City Centre II in New Town, Rajarhat,Kolkata. The mall located in the new part of the city was indeed far for someone who lives in the heart of Kolkata. It was like going to some outskirt but posh locality to watch some 7D movie. It took around 1hour to reach the mall (in Kolkata heat, believe me, it is some feat) from Bhawanipore. My friend and I were soaked in our sweat by the time we reach the mall.
      We entered the mall(the security personnels were strict!) and to our dismay the 7D movie hall was under technical renovation, so there was no show that day.  After taking all the pains to reach the mall we were so so disappointed! But since we'd come that far we decided to tour the mall...
       First, we went inside Just Casuals. I got a summer dress from Topshop and my friend too got a dress from Atmosphere. We were quite happy with our purchases despite the dejection.
         Secondly, we went inside Afraa, tempted by the cheese cakes and apple pies displayed on the counter. I ordered Ice tea and apple pie while my friend asked for macrons and coke. The ice tea was like any regular Nestea but they charged it more expensively.The apple pie was average or rather much too sweet for me. My friend didn't like her macrons too.

          More dejected, we began exploring the mall... Most of the shops were vacant and if I were to shop I would go to South City mall or Forum mall anytime of the day, meaning City Center does not offer variety of brandss. It has Pantaloons, Max, and other sports brands like Nike,Puma and so on. Got a hairband from Max ( comparatively the collections in this Max was much better than the one in Elgin Road,Kolkata). And also got myself a nude tshirt from 1$ Shop( I was lucky, they did not have much clothes, mostly there were food stuffs and other variety of things like hair clips, photo frames, synthetic flowers and so on)
         Me and my friend are big Chinese food fans, so we searched for Chinese restaurants inside the mall, we were particularly looking for pork items. Should i say more??? We did not get it.
We ended up going to the food court and ate Thai sizzlers and Garlic chicken chowmein form Sizzling Sizzlers. The best part of the whole eterprise was this! The food was awesome!

         I wish we had foods like these in Forum mall( 3years eating Forum food and I never liked it:ate under compulsion)
        Since we had to travel for 1 hour to reach home, we left early. Shame the mall had to be so far from my place while Forum and Siuthcity are closeby. maybe after some years it may be better but right now,I won't spend another penny to go to that mall.If I want to eat good food I'll go to Park Street where all the finest foods are available there and again some few minutes away from my location.
city centre at night

City center written in Bengali Script
       City Center is inconviniently far and does not even have that many clothing brands. And I must admit that it is eerily desolate in contrast to other malls. If couples want privacy from the all-seeing-eyes of their relatives and families, I'd say they found the place. They will not be starved to death and they will have all the privacy they need. :)


Saturday 13 April 2013


---A parody of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "On The Ways of Love"

How do I loathe thee? Let me count the bricks!
I loathe thee to the up and down and deep
My feet can kick,when fine you make me sick
For the migraine feels much better when I sleep.
I loathe thee to the level of dirty streets
Where I will not walk,by sun and tubelight!
I loathe thee freely,like posters I read.
I loathe thee sourly,like fruitless lost plight.
I loathe thee with a passion when I fought
My brothers for the video games dad bought.
I loathe thee with hate I seem to bear
For your antithesis. Nothing is dear
Where I come first and everything next.
I shall loathe thee more when i know facts!

A genuine manifestation of loathing that I bear for her poetry; not that I hate her poetry but the theme just provokes me to dislike it due to its excessive unpleasant mawkishness and embarassing sentiments of her feverish romantic notions. She must have truly loved Robert Browning but to a modern reader like me one can't help but read the poem with a certain amount of weariness. "The Ways of Love" has thus been subverted in a moment of annoyance because my university, Calcutta University,had the audacity to include such poem in the syllabus. I'm more of a 'Prufrock' fan. :)

Friday 29 March 2013


                I am not a big fan of chocolate but my friends think otherwise. So, here is a poetry on chocolate to remind once again the love that it coaxes out of our coy hearts. It never fails to give us happiness in times of sadness(or singleness of some friends concerned) and also double happiness in times of mirth too. A preferred gift even at times of success or achievement in our little world. Honestly, sometimes even I fall prey to its "dark enchantment", for it does give an ephemeral sense of joy however shortlived it may be!


As it melts inside, i writhe in pleasure.
Shivers... as i lose myself in its warmth.
Filled,repaired,healed,consoled: the old fissure.
Sigh! I keep succumbing yet I am not harmed.

That dark entity calls out my amorous soul.
I pine for it as did Coleridge's demon lover.
Thwarted time and again by the lies of heedless world
But my insatiable heart refused to cower.

For the Aztecs you were only an experiment: mere beans.
Momtezuma in all his glory failed to recognize you.
You had to die; you were roasted,pounded and grounded: mere beings!
But you came back! not bitter but sweeter with the traumas due.

Oh! how i love thee! sweet, sweet Chocolate.
Midnight or twilight its never too late.
To have you...
Only you.