Monday 2 July 2012

I Take A Trip Into Fairy World Unprepared!...

              I'm not much of a girls night outer but i was excited this time when we were going to the beach and then dinner at a restaurant in New Digha, West Bengal. And thrilled with the idea of braiding (which i recently fell in love with after watching some youtube videos ) my friends' hairs i decided to go Disney on them... I havent practiced yet and honestly they were my first trials and it came out pretty sweet and my girls totally loved it. I am already booked for doing one of my friends' hair for her date :)
princesses heads minus princesses gowns :)

              I did the Snow White and The Huntsman hair braid of Kristen Stewart for my first friend and mermaid's braid for the other. It did'nt came out gorgeous but it was gorgeous enough for them. Next time i'm going to make sure they have gowns or dresses at least when they come begging for my hand. hehe. Then mentally they were princesses... We did'nt have any Princes or Knights at that to escort us (sob sob...) but we sure got our white horse (Taylor Swift should have hired a white horse instead of waiting for one...heheh).
 So we found this guy at the beach and we got our ride with no fuss. We exchanged some papers for service and that was it.
the White horse with our chivalric footman
               All fairytales have antagonist(s) in the plot well ours were annoying enemy subjects who tried their best to kidnap us hahaha... But hey whats a fairytale without a villain??? or villains????
And ohhhh what did i do with my hair??? I let it go wild with my natural curls... I'm born a princess..heheh.
Wild and royalty doesnt click but hey its 2012 after all.
Countess Rav(me) with Snow White