Wednesday 27 June 2012

My fantasy about Harry Potter and Hogwarts.

Forbidden Forrest:

my own version of Forbidden forrest.
           The spell casted by J.K Rowling struck home literally home... wherever i go i liked to believe that im living in the Wizarding world... the charm has died down with the passage of time but it still lingers somewhere in the back of my mind ready to invade my life whenever i go home. My hometown Ukhrul (surprsingly its even in the wikipedia so make sure you check out) is where i grew up until my college years. I like to think it as somewhere in Scotland but its way sunnier but it also has its rough times. Its a hilly district so you can imagine the perpetual rain and yeah the bitter cold bites of the winter air... But i like it as it gives me that magic in the air which i find it whenever i immersed myself in the book.

          The picture above is taken from Duncan park in Ukhrul in June,2011 because it somewhat felt like the Forbidden Forrest... i know its suppose to be dark and ominous but my imagination took care of it... just suppose that its Quidditch season and the clouds are passing over the forrest..hahaha. We might actually see Harry with his Firebolt or maybe Buckbeak... and ahem if you have witnessed a death or deaths you will find many thestrals flying with their skeletal wings.... See right there!

           I've read the series i dont know how many times but it never bores me. Its been a year since i have not reread it but i'm hoping to do so this October when i go home for the Durga Puja and Deepawali holidays. Of course not to celebrate the festivals but any holiday is enough to celebrate it. Being a Christian i'm more looking forward to Christmas. And now the name "witch" gets my interest spike up to several degrees.I  have googled Salem Witch Trials, and look up to the dictionary for different forms of magic, its synonyms and antonym and any i mean any! sorts of magical themes... Recently i got hooked to The Secret Circle serial. Nothing like Harry Potter and i self-inflicted nightmares for two days. It was not scary but some scenes were just too much for my delicate heart. Harry Potter is the greatest book(s) so far and i love how it totally transports me to its world of magic.

P.S: shhhhh withcraft still prevails in my hometown though we have been converted to Christianity for a century.. There are still witch doctors and they sure know who is possessing who, how to jinx people and the art of necromancy(talk to death people's spirits, derive assistance from then...). but on a brighter note its subdued but it still persists till date. ohhhh and dont let me start with legends of werewolves and long-haired grandmothers yes all safely woven into the bedtime stories of naughty children.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Miracle  in my flowerbed

Sometimes we miss out beautiful things  in nature because we never care to to stop and look. If we go blind for one day i wonder how our reaction will be the next day we get our eyesight back... Will we be able to feel the breath of nature??? Nature is alive and breathing. I always get reminded of the fact that i have eyes by this photo. My only sister who is ten years younger than me noticed this and decided to preserve it for me. 
Thank you Zasoon. :)